
If a woman sees something small or undersized, she's guaranteed to gush about how "cute" or "adorable" it is. This would be a universal truth, but it doesn't apply to bank accounts and penises.

med dessa ord säger jag god natt! :)



lite humor så är i grottplugget!!

Facebook is a lot like a fridge. When you're bored you keep opening and closing it every couple of minutes to see if there's anything good, but nothing ever changes....

Driving directly towards the sunset with a dirty windshield is probably even more dangerous than drunk driving

Am I alone in thinking Cookie Monster would make an awesome heavy metal singer?


haha var inne på nu och hittade den här:

Biting your fingernails is the mature version of sucking your thumb

hehe :P


Why is it that the only question that people ask you when you are home from college is when are you going back?


Define horrifying? Trying to remember old log-in info that you need for something. You hit enter and are greeted with "Log-in failed. You have 2 tries remaining."



"Nothing will ruin a song for me faster than hearing a crowd of drunk people sing it. Unless of course, I'm part of that crowd. Then it becomes 10x more awesome"

"Nothing is scarier than the class where the teacher calls on people to answer questions. To this day, I still am unsure of whether I should stare at the teacher or pretend to be taking notes in order to not be called on"


So um, horror, bad, horrific, bad. Terror, bad, terrific, good? Did I miss something?

:D:D haha


At what point does the number of plastic grocery bags under your kitchen sink become too excessive?

jag känner mig träffad..

en till!

sandra: :D

"If someone writes me a note and scratches out a word or sentence, I immediately focus more on what they did not want me to read than what was actually intended for me to see"


Ekan tipsade mig om en kul hemsida för ett tag sen, jag kollar den varje dag. It makes my day! :D

ett exempel:
"Does anyone actually sing in the shower? I’ve tried it. I was alone, yet still mortified by the result. But in the car with the stereo cranked up so I can’t hear myself? I'm hitting every note, and sometimes better than the artist. I just know it."

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